About decotric

The successful history began 90 years ago.
The basis of this success was the German supplier decotric who soon became famous for its construction chemical products and developed to one of the most important provider of filling compounds, pastes, adhesives, paints, additives and other restorations agents. The products, which are developed since almost one century, are produced for the professionals but also for the DIY’s who want to work with products, which are reliable and easy to apply.

Since the company was founded in 1928 the group has developed Europe wide to become the most important provider of above mentioned products. We are also the largest manufacturer of own brand wallpaper pastes. As one of the leading companies in Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Greece and Switzerland are we also successful on the market in the Middle and East of Europe since a couple of years. Through the takeover of Glutolin in year 2003 (also a traditional German supplier and inventor of the high-quality methylcellulose paste) the range got expanded. Now the decotric Group extended the market out of Europe and got new customers all over the world.